Interview with my self

Interview with my self


What do you always keep in mind when you alive as a human being?

I always look at the backbone of things. There must be a reason for the existence of everything in this world. I think that it is only after understanding that I can direct and design. The rest is to live happily. I don’t do things that I’m doing and don’t feel a sense of accomplishment. Also, if I don’t enjoy myself, I think it will have a negative impact on others. Moreover, I thought it was important because human relationships are important when doing fashion.

I think you will face various difficulties when you are alive. What would you do in such a case? What is your usual way to relieve stress?

I try to make a day when I don’t do anything once a week. It’s impossible when I’m busy. I chill all day, cook, watch movies, read books, and do only what I really like. I basically try not to accumulate stress. But at the time of lockdown, there was a time when I was naive because of too much stress. I take a walk and listen to music at that time.

How do you think being born and raised in japan had an impact on you?

Well, I haven’t really felt it before, but I’m thinking of using the good Japanese culture I think as my weapon. That good culture is a kind heart and Zen. I’m thinking of studying seriously when I return to Japan. However, there are many customs that I dislike in Japan, and I feel that most people are getting stressed. I really hate it and don’t really want to go back to Japan.

What do you like about London and came to study in London?

It’s a place where I can get in touch with various cultures and people are friendly. Because I drink in pubs and make friends as they are or in clubs very often. I also like the fact that there are various races. Most people don’t seem to feel too stressed in life. I feel that there are many people who are doing what they like and cherish such time on weekends.

Why did you decide to study fashion?

I originally majored in interior design at an art university in Japan. However, when I was in the first year of college, I was doing a lot of research and saw a fashion show. At that time, I wanted to do this and decided to assist under the producer. From that point on, I became less attractive to the interior and changed the lead to fashion, but I didn’t want to design clothes, so I’m here now.

Where do you find fashion appealing? Why did you find it attractive?

There is no perfect answer. However, I think the most attractive thing is that the times change quickly and that many new things come out.

What do you think is the relationship between you and fashion?I think it just happened that fashion was the place to filter my objects. Perhaps staying in the fashion industry is the place where I can best demonstrate myself.

What do you think is the most important thing to stay in the fashion industry?

The ability to survive, the ability to respond to new things, the ability to create new things, the ability to notice relationships

How do you want to influence the fashion industry when you start to work?

I want to make something that moves people’s hearts even a little. In the end, I want to create something that benefits people and gives them the power to live and inspiration.

What do you do next?

I don’t know what to do next. But I want to understand London’s fashion industry as soon as possible, and if I have a chance in front of me, I will acquire the skills and ability to take advantage of it.

Thank you,


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