-term 3 aspirations-

Hi, I was really looking forward to term 3. because I can focus on only the media. Until term 2, I tried to focus on the media more than other pathways, but time was a problem, and I feel that I couldn’t fully utilize the ideas I had. However, I could learn lots of things from business and design, so I will use some ideas or think about what I learned from other pathways. And when this course is over, I intend to make a work in which 3D and 2D are harmonized in earnest. Nowadays, 3D technic is needed by every creative industry or any other industry, but the problem is not so many people who are in the fashion industry can use the 3D software. So I will be an expert as a person who can use 3D soft wich called Houdini. So at this stage, I will further develop my IT and physical collage skills and aesthetic for 2D through the zine project.


Most of the photos that I used for this mini-zine were already used by term 2. for me, one photo has lots of images and inspiration. There are a lot of ways to develop from one photo. I feel like I can make a variety of images from one photo, but I have to understand their photos to make this successful. How the atmosphere should be or which colour should I use. this time, I did not use colour and layering. The reason why I did not is the font I used. Actually, this is the first time to use this typography font, but I was researching this kind of atmosphere, so I feel like I could make it. The future challenge I felt is word choice. No matter how good the image is, if I don’t have a word sense, my work will become dull at once. So I will continue to see magazines etc… There is one more thing I want to develop within myself. It also included a few elements in this mini-zine. It’s a 2D sense of balance on one screen. I will do research and personal work to make the best use of the minimum textures and elements on one screen.

Thank you,


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